Thursday, February 21, 2008

The incredible, super thirty-nines of two extraordinary four

I have always believed that my adorable puppies are the best among the cohort. Knowing how to behave appropriately at certain situations. I always believe that if they give their best, they can beat the rest. They are smart. They can be quite mature at times.

Yet, it is sad that time and time again, the flaw that keeps popping up and shooting them in their feet is the lack of discipline and awareness of the surroundings. If only, if only they have the discipline. Then I won't have to punish them. If only, if only they have the discipline and constant maturity, then I wouldn't mind their cheerfulness and sense of humour, and cheekiness.

After all, what is so great about them is really their sincerity, cheerfulness and odd sense of cheeky humour. Which can be quite fun.

Only when they start getting too carried away then that's when I have, but no choice, to come down hard on them.

Sigh... =(

On the other hand... Midnight Monkey comes out to play! Interesting blog on disposing waste in Singapore.


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