Tuesday, September 06, 2011

as promised

近期,我相当欣赏的一位歌手是hocc。原名称何韵诗,Denise Ho。他是来自香港的一位很有天份的实力派艺人。又会唱歌,作曲,演戏。我非常欣赏他,因为他无论对人还是对事都是很诚恳。他也会利用他的气质来帮助需要帮助的人。虽然他起出主唱粤语歌,但他近期夜开始唱华语歌。幕后又Wyman Wong为他填词,他每首歌都非常有意义。


我們都是Imperfectly perfect的。



小時候說的話 你記得嗎
我們描述不遠的未來 要變成太陽月亮
你現在實現了嗎 還是跟我一樣

我們都不知道 蔥會開花
只懂得欣賞每頓晚餐 永遠配角的綠光
人生從來沒答案 理想從來有偏差

鏡子中 驕傲的臉龐 帶著些許憂傷
成熟外表下 純真的心沒變化
童年的幻想 長大後的尷尬

如果再活一次 會怎麼樣
生命中走過的日子裡 想回到哪段時光
自己是一面鏡子 越細看越明白

鏡子中 驕傲的臉龐 帶著些許憂傷
成熟外表下 純真的心沒變化
童年的幻想 長大後的尷尬

鏡子中 微笑的臉龐 帶著些許昂揚
成熟內心中 默默地開滿了花
童年的玩耍 成長的不漂亮

Will upload her older and equally meaningful Cantonese songs later.

Monday, January 17, 2011

the power of river processes

How erosion affects lives of people

The power of erosion process

Erosion and transportation

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Every year I made the resolution to revive this blog and add more resources. Somehow or rather, work just got in the way and this is pushed aside.

This year will be different. I hope.

It will be different.

Monday, May 03, 2010

a reflective post in this reflective space

The mid-year exams are already here. I hope the kids are studying hard for the exam. Consistency is the best policy over here, if they want to see progress.

I am glad that VP made mention of the plan they need to draw up to achieve their goals. Upon reflection, I find that, hey! I am actually doing that too, but subconsciously. In a way, that is a good way to plan for our goals because it enables us to constantly reflect what we have done and how we can do things better. I think it is very important to look to ourselves if we want to see progress. after all, it all boils down to our aims, motivation and drive. Others around us can give us advice, or offer us help, but if we don't take it up and consider very seriously, we only have ourselves to blame. Key thing here: humility will take us far, not arrogrance.

One interesting and reassuring fact that I learnt when conversing with friends and colleagues the past week:

"The most important skill that employers are looking for in the 21st Century are 1) effective communicators and 2) critical thinkers." Finally! After all the emphasis on Math and Science, Humanities is going to be the most important subject in schools. It is probably going to be the best subject to get people to think critically of certain issues in society.

Even as I am typing this post, I can't help feeling sad that in 5 months time, my alma mata will be closing down. The school building may still be there, but what is left will just be a shell. I will miss the kampung atmosphere. I will miss the teachers too. I am what I am today because of the support given by my teachers and peers. Call me old fashion, but I will still say out loud that despite the flaws of the school, I remain eternally grateful that I didn't ask for a transfer to a school of my choice even though I could. I will miss the good old times. Thank you Chai Chee for the opportunities given to me to grow! It may be a small, poor (?? well, in terms of infratsructure) neighbourhood school, nothing can take the richness of experiences and lessons I hearnt in the four years I was there.

Reminder to self
Goals till the mid-year that I need to achieve (work and non-work):
1) help the kids to do their best and pray hard that they don't get distracted

2) sort out, edit and add new written pieces in the writing project so that I can really get the book published!! (must do it by the end of the year)

3) draw up plans, balance work and personal time and refocus so that I can go back to volunteering either with SPCA or one of the nature conservancy groups

4) find a nice getaway place to recharge in June!

5) at the same time, while recharging in June, think of the proposal that I need to submit to apply for Masters and email the profs for advice

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Goodbye Yasmin Ahmad. May you rest in peace.
Goodbye Yasmin Ahmad. Your masterpieces will be treasured.
Goodbye Yasmin Ahmad. You may be gone metaphysically, but your ideals will live through us in eternity.

As simple as your storylines are,
the lines on your face belied the rich complexities of life you experienced.

You made us shed tears for something that seem imperfect in reality.
A father watching his young daughter grow up.
An Indian wife speaking fondly, or perhaps not so fondly, of her late husband's habits during her eulogy.

You made us sit up and take notice of the mundane.
You touched our lives with such a simple thing called love.

In you, the message of love is epitomised and transcended across faultlines.
You will be dearly missed.


Goodbye Yasmin Ahmad. May you rest in peace.
Goodbye Yasmin Ahmad. Your masterpieces will be treasured.
Goodbye Yasmin Ahmad. You may be gone metaphysically, but your ideals will live through us in eternity.

As simple as your storylines are,
the lines on your face belied the rich complexities of life you experienced.

You made us shed tears for something that seem imperfect in reality.
A father watching his young daughter grow up.
An Indian wife speaking fondly, or perhaps not so fondly, of her late husband's habits during her eulogy.

You made us sit up and take notice of the mundane.
You touched our lives with such a simple thing called love.

In you, the message of love is epitomised and transcended across faultlines.
You will be dearly missed.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

First Person: Paris riots - 28 Oct 07

video 2

Manhunt for escaped JI detainee

ignore this. just getting video resources for my SS class to do socratic questioning to my kids ;P

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Zombie VS Kids